Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Oresama Teacher, vol. 1

Tsubaki Izumi's second series is less focused on love than humor. Kurosaki Mafuyu is, or at least was, a delinquent. She was expelled from her previous high school for fighting and has consequently been sent to a school that will pretty much let you in as long as you pay. There she meets/rescues a boy named Takaomi from a group who are trying to fight him. Takaomi ends up extorting her food from her, and she goes to school hungry the next day- where she meets Saeki Takaomi-sensei...her homeroom teacher.

Without giving too much away, Mafuyu finds out that Takaomi was that boy who lived next door. She also becomes friends with Hayasaka, a delinquent boy who sits next to her, and encounters a whole series of complications. It's hilarious. You can see slight romantic tendencies in the plotline, but they are not the main focus at all. I began reading this series from the first chapter, and I eagerly await Tsubaki-sensei's furhter installments.


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