Saturday, March 17, 2012


I finally finished Inheritance by Christopher Paolini, the last of the Inheritance Cycle. (Took me awhile because of all the other reading for classes that I needed to do.)

I am satisfied with this conclusion. I started out with Eragon and loved the story, though I felt the prose was weak. The story made me want to know more. Paolini's prose has improved greatly and I hope he continues to write. For the story, I was secretly hoping for some things to happen, (hey, we all get our hopes up), but I understand and can accept what did happen. I might like Murtagh a little better than Eragon, just because of his complications and how he could still change. I love that Paolini can write flawed characters, especially that they can see their own weaknesses. If you like battles, this book is battle heavy.
